I love your advice to Robinson.

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We can't believe a word that Thom Tillis says. Once in a while he does say things that sound good, but he inevitably ends up switching his verbalized position to a maga one. We have to vote him and Budd out as soon as we can!

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Tillis isn't the only pol creating an alternative narrative for his capitulation to Trumpism. They seem to feel that historians will see their op-eds and not see their voting records. Instead what historians will find are men who cannot live with their own weakness and so make feints to their better angels. Their names will not be remembered, only their category of reluctant but reliable enablers.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

Roy Cooper for Senate 2026

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US Senate, if he doesn't already have a Cabinet position with President Harris's administration.

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Tillis is such a hugh disappointment. The article is so on target. Always ready to take the high road and then just can’t do the right thing. After all the orange menace has said and done and then he says I’m doing everything I can to get him elected. Disgusting.

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He's been a disappointment his entire career in politics.

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"The grifter wing of the party is taking advantage of the rube wing " LOL

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Tillis says all the right things when it’s expedient. It’s doing the right thing that gives him a lot of trouble.

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Tillis is a master propagandist. See my analysis of his reply to my letter to him when the (poorly named) Inflation Reduction Act was being debated: https://open.substack.com/pub/winwindemocracy/p/2022-08-tillis-on-inflation-reduction-act?r=8ezqn&utm_medium=ios. We need to vote Tillis out of office in 2026.

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I thought he already announced he isn't seeking re-election? Which would explain why he suddenly grew a convenient spine.

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We need to cast that net across the whole GOP and work to vote them all out.

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Tillis was also very serious when he advocated for the freedom of restaurant workers not to wash their hands after using the bathroom.

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Both of these guys are fools. We need to vote Mr. Tillis out as well. He is a joke.

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