Let’s not forget we also must vote in every race for every Democrat to at least take away their veto proof majority. And wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could defeat Tim Moore in his “guaranteed” race for Congress?

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Mark Robinson is insane, truly insane. He must NEVER be in a position of authority again!

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Wow, talk about weird

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Come on fellow Carolinians. Let’s flip this state all the way down the ticket. Josh must win, pull Kamala along and flip as many seats to blue as possible

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Great news! Robinson is a hideous joke of a human being.

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Didn’t Robinson state that some people need killing? That is classic How to win friends and influence people!

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He did. Seems it was his own campaign that died instead.

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The media and Republicans say a lot of stupid things that just aren’t true, in a vein attempt to make them true, influence voters, and sell advertising.

Harris has run a great campaign in several ways. Just being a normal politician has been refreshing. She is direct when answering some questions, vague on others. Just like it used to be. Trump lies about everything, is openly nasty to anyone he doesn’t like, and deploys thugs to do violence when cornered.

Ten years of Trump is emotionally exhausting. Politics used to be fun. Now it’s like being IN an episode of the Sopranos. Harris joyful approach has provided hope to us all that we can get back to normal. If she was a white boomer (instead of a black, woman from California) she’d be 1000 point’s ahead in the polls. So her current lead demonstrates just how bad our national malaise is. Most of us will take anything, anything as long as it’s not Trump.

This is being a little unfair to Harris, of course as Biden was a white male boomer, and many seemed to think he was just as bad as Trump. Which means that Harris has brought something else to the table of politics. I was wondering what the heck that could be. Then I figured it out.

She’s the parent. Trump is a misbehaving teen.

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This is great news. I too would like to see a Harris-Walz bus tour of NC like the Clinton-Gore bus tour of small NC towns in 1992. I remember seeing them in Hillsborough.

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This is most excellent news to this NC resident, but now is not the time for us to lift our foot off the gas (I know you know that, just repeating it).

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Rs are deeply entrenched with self perpetuating gerrymandering and a blatant conflict of interest on the State Supreme Court. A flip would be a good beginning toward ridding the orange stain that has covered too much of this state. We need this to continue to trend!

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Lara Trump took all of the RNC funds and made sure 45 could use them for his needs, like legal fees, instead of for the MAGA Party nationally (it's no longer the GOP Party.)

And don't believe for a second 45's disavowal of Project 2025.

Of COURSE he planned to implement the playbook!

He would sign the pre-written Executive Orders,

and be on the golf course for his daily tee time

instead of doing ANYTHING to actually help an American worker.

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Get on the bus is right Thomas. Harris and Walz must ride on 64 from Manteo to Murphy. A stop in Ashboro is especially recommended. This Carolina alum says go into Pack Country. You are absolutely on target Stein should call out extreme GOP positions (think Michelle Morrow: did you read about her appearance before the Western Wake County Republican Club Thursday calling for Christians to get out, vote and save America? Check that one out in the N&O. Then there's Beth Wood with a chip on her shoulder because Roy Cooper didn't choose her chief deputy as her successor to finish her term as auditor. Dave Bolick is no friend to UNC. Rachael Hunt needs our help as well. Josh, help your Council of State candidates: call out GOP extremism

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If anyone wants to help get out the vote amongst BIPOC voters in NC, check out the Center for Common Ground's "Reclaim our Vote" program. (https://www.centerforcommonground.org/reclaim-our-vote). I am writing postcards to voters in Mecklenburg county, but they also have phone and text banking programs. There will be a Zoom program next Thursday (9/5) about Getting Out The Black Vote. Sign up here: https://actionnetwork.org/events/rov-update

You can also check out prior programs on the Center For Common Ground's YouTube channel here:


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With his victory nearly assured, it’s time for the Stein campaign to broaden its message and call out the extremism in North Carolina’s Republican Party’s that’s at odds with the goodness of ordinary North Carolinians.

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We keep hearing reports of Trump's ground game running aground with grandstanders like Kirk burning through cash without much actual gain. Is that your experience in North Carolina?

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