We all need to press Tillis to have a town hall meeting. He either won’t or will do it in an area he still has support in.

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He has not done a town hall in over a decade. Only things he’s attended (apart from debates) are funded by dark money PACs like the John Locke Foundation with prescreened questions. Not open to the public. Same thing for election denier Budd.

If Roy Cooper enters the race for the 2026 Senate seat, Tillis can’t do that anymore. We have a better state D party apparatus & Cooper won’t have that baggage Tillis will.

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I live in Raleigh. I’d love to attend his town hall. Believe me.

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I just can't even with any of our representatives. I'm disgusted by Tillis, and infuriated by Budd and Harris. They are cowards of the worst sort. This acquiescence of our politicians is exactly how the 3rd Reich began. It is up to us the voters to fight to keep our Republic. If we don't, everything is lost. I don't even want to contemplate what that will look like for us and the world.

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Become an “Indivisible” and fight the right! Go to Indivisible.org and read about the two ex-Congressional staffers (worked for Dems), Leah and Ezra, who developed an organization where Indivisibles work on their own and/or with groups, at their own choosing and causes. Its goal is “power to the people!” No more hitler triumvirate.

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Mark Harris should NEVER have been elected to Congress after that 2018 scandal where he tried getting McDowless to steal the primary for him.

So disgusted.

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No respect for Tillis. What I’d like to know: when Graham said he told Zelenskyy to “not take the bait”, what bait did he mean? That suggests that there was indeed a planned ambush. I’m really frustrated that the press hasn’t follow up on that, as far as I can see.

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“Tillis is a man with no core.”

Could not have said it better. The man is fully untrustworthy. How does he look at himself in the mirror?

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I asked my husband that only yesterday about Graham. And little Marco? How does he dare show his face after his slinking act on Friday and then blazing away at George Stephanopolis on TV today. Not a man among them

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I wrote to Tillis after his senate floor speech and thanked him for speaking truth and said he needs to say that to trump. I called AND wrote to him Friday abc Saturday,asking what he thought of the OO attack on Zelinsky. I expect another one of his suck up form letters , talking about world peace and secure borders. It’s all he ever says , except when he has his photo made with a veterans’ group , praising them for their sacrifice. As DOGE strips them

Of benefits and people to administer them. What a sickening bunch of cowards and spineless worms.

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Suck up form letter... I have been getting the same ones.

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If he were to finally break from Trump in some meaningful way, I could imagine the mainstream media fawning all over Tillis. I could also imagine him running for reelection as an independent and having a decent chance of winning. Surely running and losing with your principles and some shred of dignity intact would be better than continuing this farce? If you lose re-election to the Senate, is that the worst thing in the world? Working as a lobbyist or serving as a university president or a corporate board member sounds like a pretty comfortable life. At least Ted Budd is who he is and does not pretend to be anything more.

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I mean, really! If he did the right thing by stopping the Nazi in the WH, he would be lauded. I just don’t understand why he’s worried about his seat, he’s gonna lose anyway to any democrat running against him (assuming of course, we have elections)…maybe he’s counting on that we don’t…..

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Explanation of appeasement in our current context is helpful. And as stated the reality that “strongmen cannot be satiated…until they are stopped” emphasizes the futility of this counterproductive strategy at this moment. It was just some weeks ago Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, Episcopal Bishop of Washington delivered her post-inaugural sermon in the Washington Cathedral and decided to address trump personally and request mercy. And I remember how he and jd looked like immature children unwilling to listen without the most childish body language. And now, just mere weeks into this, we see Oval Office events with marco rubio slumped on the gold couch and president and vp once again trying to prove I do not even know what. But it is dangerous to play around like this. These try-to-be strong players on the global stage are only proficient at damaging. The problem is it’s one thing for a little boy to break stuff and ride roughshod. It’s quite another to engage as pathetic weasels with stakes being so high. These guys have lost it. And yes, tillis is empty.

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Well said! I agree with every word. 👍🇺🇸

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Watch what they do, not what they say.

Republicans are spineless cowards.

tRump is a dictator, not a president.

If you have republican congresspeople, contact them and demand that they resign.

They are complicit in this coup.

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Thom Thumb- under Trump’s.

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I lived in North Carolina for a few years and I can tell you the truth from living there till this is an empty suit a political ego minded empty suit. useless totally useless to that state. North Carolina deserves better.

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Spineless, soulless sycophants.

Not surprised in the least.

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Like Susan Collin’s, he’s deeply troubled and concerned.

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Tillis seems hopeless. I saw a comment elsewhere that Sen. Budd might finally be receptive to hearing concerns about what’s been happening in the past 6 weeks. What’s your take, Thomas?

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Differrent Thomas, sorry: I wrote to Budd asking him to please step up and do something to move his party away from the mobster selling protection out of the oval office. I received back a letter filled with pablum and no commitment to anything but hewing his party's line.

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Ugh. Well, not surprising, but still disappointing. Thanks for sharing.

I don’t get how NC state-wide elects Dem governors, AGs, etc. AND these 2 awful R senators. We need to do better.

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We have a better state D party chair. Had she been running the 2022 midterms, Budd wouldn’t be a Senator & Rs wouldn’t have that 5-2 majority on SCNC.

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Well, he won’t have to worry about another primary once he’s voted out of office next time. Bye bye Thom.

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