I visualize Paul Krugman sitting at his computer surrounded by statistical spreadsheets and computer screens, scratching his head over why consumers (voters) don't understand how wonderful the economy is performing while wife is in the kitchen screaming over how little she got got at the grocery store for her $100. Price gouging at the retail level, combined with high interest rates are driving consumers up the wall. No end in sight while companies like Pepsico, and Coke admit to investors how they keep driving returns on the back of consumers. Probably too late now, seeing as how federal price constraints are such a tricky business, but something symbolic on the part of the president to reign in worse offenders would help.

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I’m puzzled by all bases touched on here. Often think I cannot believe levels of unconscious biases afoot. Becoming conscious of our biases—tough to do. Must have a context from which to examine/explore these from within the self. A person’s learning spirit must be alive and well to do the work. I witness a public quite disabled and unknowing. The Biden is bad tropes and [t]rump is good are certainly seeming to win the moment. Those who engage in such do not know what makes a trope a trope. Here we are.

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