
I’m a vet and I’m disgusted with what the administration is doing. The Republican Party is no longer the Republican Party of past. It’s the party of Trump and billion dollar oligarchs. The only way to fix this is vote out people like Tillis who say they are moderate, but are actually are afraid cowards.

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Your analysis of Senator Tillis’s weakness and the effect on NC citizens is spot-on. Tillis sometimes utters a few independent words but never follows through with the votes. It’s going to cost him his seat in 2026.

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I can recall to this day when my uncle gave me my Social Security card. I still carry it in my pocket. I was working for him in his North Carolina mountain mica business. I was between my junior and senior high school year. It was 1962.

I felt empowered somehow with the card. I felt I had worth and was doing something useful in the community.

That was 63 years ago. I am still working at 80 and am a Social Security recipient.

This is sacred money. I and my fellow workers paid into that fund for all these years. To see these goons messing with it, firing agency workers, and all the rest of the travesties literally is the bridge too far.

I have warned my readers for years that the GOP, if given a chance, would slash or abolish Social. Security. I warned them again and again in the runup to the 2024 presidential election. They did not listen. Elections have consequences, I told them.

If it were not for all the pain cuts in this program would have, I would like to see the checks not show up just once. There would pitchforks in the streets. That would be the bridge too far.

Trump and Musk and their acolytes are fools. If they want to find fraud and abuse, let them begin with the $13 billion in federal contracts Mr. Musk has!

Instead, thes grifters are peddling the Big Lie about Social Security, that it is paying benefits to 200-year-old deceased Americans. It is the same gaslighting used regarding the 2024 election.

About 71 million Americans receive Social Security. The agency, until the illegal firings of staff, had a mere 58,000 workers. That is not even one worker per one million SS clients.

Social Security never has missed a monthly payment to recipients. How many payments has fraudster Trump missed.

Frankly, I am madder than hell. And if these clowns try to suspend next year’s midterm elections, well, they have a one-way ticket out of Dodge, or is it DOGE?

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You have said everything I have been thinking! My husband and I are both retired and depend on SS and Medicare. I have called my senators and Congressman almost daily. I agree, I don’t want anyone to miss a check but I fear that may happen. But you are correct, the pitchforks will be out.

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As someone who had real world experience with Obamacare, the reason for the political fallout was because Democrats let the GOP spew their lies about it. They are using the same playing dead strategy now that they used then.

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Lies are all the GOP has, and have had for decades. Nixon was the king of dirty tricks. NC's GOP legislature are on par with Nixons crew.

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Tillis is only speaking for sound bites at this point. There is NOTHING he does that aligns with his rhetoric. He is terrified of whatever the orange felon holds over him. Tillis is happy to let President Musk do his job for him, and happy to rubber stamp all of the unqualified and compromised cabinet nominees. He will not hold a town hall either. Thom Tillis is a BIG waste of our tax dollars. Don't get me started on Budd.

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I'm a 71 year old Viet Nam era Navy vet, Didn't go in country, though I was in the neighborhood. I have issues that I should've gone to the VA about many years ago. Likely won't now. Trump and company are working to dismantle our nation's democracy. I am convinced that he is a Russian asset. Give him enough rope and he and the rest of the GOP will hang themselves. Mid-terms are coming up. I hope our fellow vets that voted for the GOP last election have seen the light and vote for Democrats in the mid-terms. I appreciate your work, Mr. Mills.

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Funny you should mention Tillis (not funny ha-ha). I just minutes ago got an email form a wildlife advocacy group saying our representatives had voted against an amendment to the omnibus that would have provided funding for wild land firefighters. And it occurred to me that just last week I was looking at the NC Forest Service wildfire map and noting just how many wildfires were burning in — not in California or Colorado or Alaska, but right there — a few of them right here in CHatham County. And in my response to this I pointed out (again) that once again, they had had the chance to vote with the citizens of NC, and chose instead to back the money changers in the temple. And WE ARE KEEPING SCORE. Which I know is mostly bluff, but the self-owns keep adding up.

As for the leaders of the resistance, there may be one in US Army Major (Ret.) Richard Ojeda, running for the US House in NC 09. He’s got a resume that would play in Moore County, but it remains to be seen if he has the funding and organization to leverage it. I hope he can, if only for the entertainment value of watching the pretenders try to contend with the real deal.

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Carpe diem. Any Democrat planning to run against Tillis should start an active, visible campaign right now. Get on social media, build a mailing list, do as much in person as possible. Save the $$ ask for later, after building up goodwill.

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One of the oldest (and truest) adages is, "It depends on whose ox is being gored". Remember the Tea Partiers, "Keep your government hands off my Medicare?"

I hope the party finds a really strong candidate to run against Tillis (Hampton Dellinger, perhaps?) and he may well be primaried from the right, who knows?

"May you live in interesting times.........................."

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Good. For supporting a lying, grifting, treasonous, adjudicated rapist and convicted felon these worthless, spineless republicans deserve to lose it all.

And so do their voters.

They’ve brought this hell upon us all.

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How do we find out when and where Tom might make an appearance in NC?

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Shout it from the rooftops if you hear of anything! Every time I call or write which is pretty much every day, I tell him he must hold a town hall meeting.

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Seymour Johnson, not Seymore Johnson! As a proud USAF vet who spent 18 months stationed there many moons ago, I hate to see it spelled wrong.

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Yes, cut Veterans care, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and watch what happens.

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These reckless cuts will not stop at veterans' benefits. People will lose their jobs due to ridiculous tariffs and their savings will be eroded by inflation. But hey, they can take comfort in knowing it is all for a noble cause. After all, slashing costs to provide massive tax breaks for the wealthy is of utmost importance.

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Tillis is sweat flop. I called his office a few weeks ago and asked what he planned to do about Elon making him look like a useless pansy and the response was, "we're looking into it." He is a fraud and he needs to go.

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