Black Nazi. Waiting to see if this guy sends Jesse Watters into a melt down like he did with the black Santa from Target. 🤔

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Larry Sabato just moved NC to Lean Dem!

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Anyone who votes to put this individual in public office must be out of touch. His support for slavery and his statements about owning slaves are deeply troubling. He needs to take a good look in the mirror. This overweight bigot, proudly wearing a Trump red tie, has lost touch with reality. Despite his claims of being a devout religious person, he clearly hasn’t understood the true essence of Christianity. If I were running a religious organization, he would be the last person I’d want representing it. He is a disgrace to any religion and to the state of North Carolina.

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The gift that keeps on giving! The undecideds in the AG race should get a left-nudge from this association of Bishop with this guy. We need to see more of Bishop/Gaetz link.

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Maybe Thomas willdelve into that for us. 😁

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I hope all NC republicans feel the sting of this incident at the ballot box

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Thomas , this is excellent commentary on a despicable situation and person.

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Nicely done, Thomas. Thank you for hitting all the relevant points. The Republicans have a very bad habit of thinking that everyone is as superficial as they are. That if they put up a woman as a candidate, women will stampede to vote for her even if they don't agree with the candidate's politics. Same way with race. They truly did think that Mark Robinson would attract all the Black vote. Why? Because the crowd currently dominating the GOP view both women and people of color as inferior and unworthy of being treated as equal human beings. Their tokenism has bit them big time this time around. They deserve this.

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The republican’s chickens have come home to roost.

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I have been saying since Robinson was nominated that I would move back to Virginia if he was elected. I’m hoping that now I won’t have to do that! Surely this enough to sink him.

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Great piece Thomas and thanks for showing the links between GOP candidates and their friend Robinson. They deserve to pay for their support of Robinson... And now their silence. I didn't really know him.

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Cynical bastards: oh yeah. I completely agree!!! Now perhaps Jeff Jackson can use Bishop’s association with Matt Gaetz to drive the guilt by association point home. Phil Berger and Tim Moore deserve this raging political inferno. I don’t think they’ll be taking any more power away from the governor after this embarrassing mess

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And let’s do all we can to make the notorious womanizer and greedy badtard Timmy Moore lose to our great Pam Genant! Then we work on challenging Baby Berger on the Supreme Court when he won’t recuse himself when his daddy’s shenanigans appear before the court!

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Because I do not pay for TV subscriptions with one exception for Netflix, I cruise YouTube for snippets here and there. I always daily watch John Flannery as he walks and talks. And yesterday I kept picking up on the story cited here about this despicable man coming from big time commentators with NC being actively talk centered. Recently I've heard too many say they are conflicted about the 2024 election? As in conflicted about who gets their vote. I know. Really? Will say as a curious witness, curiouser and curiouser.

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Yeah, we know your voice Mark,"Some people just need killing", "gays are filth", "the holocaust never happened". Yep, All you.

This is hysterical! Virginia Foxx supported this creep. Lololol.

"MLK on steroids", per TFG? More like Jack the ripper on steroids.

Couldnt happen to a better guy.

Thanks for this write up, Thomas, its great.

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Agree, this guy was a known quantity and they chose to go with him anyway. They deserve what is happening to them. Rather like national Republicans and Trump, in many ways. The Republican "leadership" knew who he was and had two impeachment opportunities to rid themselves of the infection but they chose not to do so, for all the wrong reasons. Hey, maybe that whole thing about karma has something to it :).

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Too late! I have seen and read it all along and I WILL be voting straight blue up and down my NC ballot. I’m TIRED of the inane infighting and the lack of transparency, lack of budget, lack of support to our public schools, pissing away my tax dollars, and the fire hose of gaslighting and lies. I SEE YOU ALL and you are filth.

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