It’s all about wealth transfer. Fire people, starve programs. Put the “savings” in the already bulging pockets of autocrats.

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Outstanding post, Thomas. Ypu drew a strait line from N. Carolina to Trump's DC. You are calling his toadies and thier real agenda to plunder our country.

Thanks for being a fearless and formidable voice for all of us. We need leaders like you to survive in this ugly chapter, which has barely begun.

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I’m so glad someone remembers this history of the Republicans tearing down the public schools and defunding teachers such that many left the state to work in other places. Thank you for this review of what has happened.

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I just got an emaifrom Budd who is trying to say that Medicaid needs cutting, and of course, he supports tax cuts for the FELON-IN-CHIEF and his Oligarchs. When will Congress do it's job? And I very much remember when the Tea Party took over the Wake County School Board and said they didn't care if NC schools lose accreditation. In fact, that's what they wanted. We voted them out. We need to do it again.

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Prototype of Destruction, eh? We may have to get Barry McGuire to re-record his 1965 classic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdWGp3HQVjU

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For-profit charter school operators have been donating to North Carolina politicians, including former Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson and former State Superintendent Catherine Truitt. Political contributions in North Carolina to all politicians have been estimated to total $219.1 million between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2022.

The legislature has granted charter schools in North Carolina more flexibility compared to traditional public schools, notably in teacher certification requirements. Charter schools are not required to have all their teachers certified; at least 50% of elementary teachers and 75% of middle and high school teachers must be certified. Charters can hire teachers without state teaching licenses if they meet other qualifications “set by the school.”

Additionally, charter schools have more freedom in designing and implementing professional development programs." CONTINUING EDUCATION DESIGNED TO KEEP TEACHERS CURRENT IN THEIR FIELD

So, where do you want to send your kids for an education that will help them pass college entrance exams? Or military and private sector exams? Of course, one might say you do not need an education to make it in Trump’s new government.

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...sure wish most of the Democrats would stop doing lunch and help us.

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The House of Representatives voted 224-198 to censure Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, over his protest on the House floor on Tuesday during President Trump's address to a joint session of Congress.

Censure is a formal statement of disapproval in the form of a resolution that is adopted by majority vote. The term “censure” is not found in the Constitution, and the word does not have to appear in the resolution.

Formal Statement of disapproval my ass… And can I just say a resounding FUCK YOU DISLOYAL MOTHERFUCKERS to the 10 democrats who agreed to this censure! Scared of a man with balls and a backbone … none of you lily livered yellow belly so sons of bitches cared to stand up to the orange turd and his shitshow of lies and disinformation.. I’ll say it again FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!

Go ahead and keep sucking the fucking turd’s dick, and striking his fragile ego…See that’s the problem with fucking democrats; always showing up to a gun fight with a stick - how pathetic?!

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An "on point" parallel. Much I could say about this to corroborate being in posts as a career educator; I've probably already rambled about this. During summer 1983, I had the privilege of studying at Lincoln College, Oxford. I well recall our professor Peter Medway telling us that learning theories and practices about the teaching of of writing were political because to teach writing in the most meaningful ways gives students command and power when using the written and spoken word. Maybe I have written about this.... Anyway, at 28-years-old I only understood what he was getting at as best I could at the time. Medway was right as I realized when I put into practice what I learned from him and others. I was fortunate to secure what I needed to know which led me to a meaningful career teaching undergraduates and graduates at university levels about the teaching of reading, writing, and linguistics K-12 levels and beyond. I well recall the breaking down and hollowing out of education in NC, as Mills notes begins in 2011, when Republicans gained legislative power. My paltry pension, which I'm ever thankful to have along with benefits, is an indicator that critical literacy education is not valued here. Public school culture does a good job of wiping out much of what I taught my teachers-to-be.

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Two punks

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Republicans like undereducated constituents, they are easier to scare, control and fool.

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As these cuts hurt community programs those who voted for Trump might get “woke “.

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