Remember that Musk trashed Twitter after he bought it, dismembering it to point that it ceased to function and he had to rehire people that he fired because he had no clue how the app really worked. He is not an engineer and not genius. He has a degree in physics and business. Mostly he is a greedy narcissistic con man high on his own supply. Like Trump he makes deals with China and Russia that benefit himself not America or Americans. If you look at the rest of the horrific Trump administration appointments, he fits right into the Putin style mobster state that we now are living in.

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I do NOT understand the statement, “…in a democracy, Trump and Musk would have oversight..”

Where on earth did Musk have, in your estimation, the ‘right’ to have oversight?

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Thank you for this column.

This backwater editor in Virginia shares your angst regarding Trump, Musk, and their gang of shakedown artists.

But I continue to be very disappointed and very. angry with many of my fellow Americans who threw awway their country for this gang of thieves. Blame the Democrats all one wants, but too many voters put the price of eggs ahead of the democracy. The moral and intellectual stupidity of their choice will sicken me until the grave. It is hard, if not impossible, to deal with dumb, and Ms. Harris never stood a chance. I am unsure any nominee would have succeeded. But I would rather have one day of Biden in the Oval Office the fool who is soiling it by the minute.

This is the stuf of doctoral dissertations.

I never, not once, have faulted a fellow American for their choice in any elecction, and i have written about a ton of them at all levels. But this election was different.

I knew in my heart of hearts that many Amerians would not vote for a Black woman for president. Yet this same cohort would vote for a 34-time felon and twice-impeached fool.

The tragedy, or one of the many tragedies, in all of this is that the Americans who will be hurt most by this sociopathic fool are those who voted for him. Unless they are part of the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans, they are going to pay bigtime along with those of us who never threw the country away.

Every day in America is sadder than the days before. God help us!

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Most of us know this. What do suggest we do about it? You have a credible platform and a loyal audience. I urge you to leverage both to be part of the solution.

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Tom, you have raised important concerns about potential conflicts of interest and the effects of budget cuts on crucial services. It seems that Republicans often behave as if they are shielded from the consequences of their stringent policies. As a result, they tend to overlook the significance of free or reduced-priced meals for underprivileged children in public schools, even though these meals might be the only source of nutrition for some kids. Instead, they prioritize controversial moral issues like abortion, while flaunting their supposed Christian values, which frequently come across as insincere.

It appears that some self-proclaimed Christians may not have fully understood the message in Matthew 7:21-23, where Jesus talks about individuals who outwardly perform religious acts but lack a genuine relationship with Him.

To these pseudo-Christians it is reasonable to expect an underpaid teacher to not only buy snacks for their students but also cover the cost of school supplies that the district should provide. Unlike the wealthy elites, such as Elon Musk and Donald Trump, who never had to face the challenges of attending school on an empty stomach or with inadequate clothing, these kids are struggling.

Both Musk and Trump were born into affluent families and never experienced such hardships.

Is it any wonder that there's some self-dealing with taxpayer funds? Elon Musk selling his so-called bulletproof electric truck to the state department for $40 billion or Donald Trump running a crypto coin operation out of the White House—it is all part of the same strategy. As long as they talk tough and pretend to be doing God's work to "make America great again," the suckers won’t notice the difference. It's all about the graft!

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Agreed. And it's not just those with contracts with him. He slashed the CFPB which would be enforcing rules on his X-finance app. He destroyed USAID which was investigating his starlink satellites which they use. And Trump appears to have halted an investigation by the DOD into starlink. The removal of the IGs was clearly to his benefit.

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Accountants... logically... would be best trained to audit something. Computer programmers are trained for something else. That something else... we are learning everyday has less to do with finding waste... and more to do with some nefarious goal to end the programs that actually help and protect average Americans. Coincidentally... these same programs are the ones that Republicans have been trying to eliminate beginning with Social Security 90 years ago. So... we have silence from some... and actual acceptance and cheering.

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We have become a plutocracy, an oligarchy, and a kleptocracy. We’re on a path to also become a fundamentalist Christian country unless folks wake up very soon. These folks have been working towards this for 50 years.

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And the republicans are spineless

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