This episode is just the latest act in the farce that is NC politics. This schizophrenic state routinely elects Democratic governors and then re-elects a GOP legislature which then passes laws to limit the governor's powers. And if the other side does have the votes to sustain a governor's veto, have the woman that ran as a Democrat switch allegiance (I wonder what the inducement was?) so that a governor's veto could be overridden. A few years ago the GOP was so threatened by deep blue Asheville, NC that it gerrymandered it into two districts so as to dilute the Democratic vote. This is a state masquerading as an educated, progressive, modern entity. In reality it is a big farm with a few adored and well-advertised colleges. I've not lived in a place where the next generation isn't expected to exceed their parents. A taker state, NC regularly cuts educational funding from the proposed budgets and fails to utilize Federal funds awarded to address natural disasters and other issues that help its citizens. Somehow that money gets squandered. Helene victims in Western NC are still waiting and I'm sure will wait some more-similar to victims in the Outer Banks areas.

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SAVE act is to disenfranchise married women voters. Either go to court to legally change name on birth certificate, OR have a passport with your current name. A marriage certificate is NOT legal proof. 69 million women do not have a birth certificate matching their legal name. Don’t wait until 2026!

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And curiously (or maybe not), the challenges are only for 4 of the 100 counties in NC. You would think if he was worried about inappropriate voting, he would challenge the entire state rather than just those counties that seem to have higher populations of students, people of color, or Democrats. The fact that he has a connection to the military, but is eager to dismiss the votes of fellow service men and women is additionally unsettling. One would think that the growing protest by Veteran groups and voters who have seen their legally submitted votes - back in November! - being challenged, would give Griffin and his fellow GOP bullies enough evidence that we know what is really going on here, and we are not going to stand for it!

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I think Justice Phil Berger Jr should be forced to recuse himself. His father, State Senate President Phil Berger, started this with comments about democrats continuing to count until they got the results they wanted

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I was an election official for 14 years in Durham and Wake Counties. If a person has a legitimate and legally acceptable ID, that's the end. He/she is registered and entitled to vote using the regular process. There are procedures for provisional ballots which are reviewed by county BOE staffs and referred to each county BOE for full approval, partial counting or complete rejection.

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Thomas, not all voters on the list are missing their Social Security Number or drivers' license number. And he only wants to look at heavily Democratic counties and stop looking. This cretin needs to be removed from the Court of Appeals and disbarrrd.

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Are you surprised that the GOP doesn't want to recognize that the voters of NC chose to elect Riggs? Did you think the GOP cares about the voters of NC? My hope is that as they continue down their crooked, muddy lane of voter disenfranchisement and manipulation, enough Republican voters in our state will realize the GOP is only interested in control, not competence and vote out their "representatives". In the meantime, we must continue to fight for the safety of the integrity of North Carolina's electoral system.

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But of course, we are supposed to think that any decisions he makes sitting on the court of appeals is fairly decided. If he is allowed to win this race…

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I disagree with the claim of a clerical error. The court confirmed that the initial registrations were correctly completed and lawful when they were filed with the clerk. This case demonstrates the modern GOP prioritizes power over constitutional rights. Their claims to represent Law and Order, God, and Apple Pie are unfounded and childish. They represent a small group of very wealthy individuals who desire further wealth and power at the expense of this country. They use propaganda, misinformation, and coercion to gain and maintain power. Historically, these techniques have been used by the communists to gain power. Hopefully, voters will recognize this and oppose them at the ballot box.

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Suppose the Courts rule that these 60,000+ registrations are not valid. These votes have been cast by secret ballot. How can an invalid ballot be identified and removed from the total? What is the remedy the court could order?

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The ballots are connected with bar codes. And think of the extra cost.

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My AI app states this: “Ballot barcodes in North Carolina are not linked to individual voters, ensuring voter anonymity. Once votes are cast and counted, the ballots cannot be traced back to specific voters, even if someone is later deemed ineligible. This separation protects voter privacy and complies with election laws that prohibit linking ballots to voters after submission.”

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Important to mention that Common Cause and Poor People's Campaign and other civil society organizations are holding statewide rallies Feb 15-22 to protect NC voters. More information about the rallies here: https://www.commoncause.org/north-carolina/griffin/

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The NC Republicans will only win this if they lie, cheat, and steal. Some of the people they accuse have been voting here for the past 30 years, and they have no idea they have been singled out.

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I am horrified. As an absentee voter from overseas most of the time, we returned to proudly vote in person. I verified my vote with the board of elections but do not know if it was finally one of the ones in question. What are these people trying to do? Openly defy the rights of the people to vote. I sometimes wonder what I actually lived for. Equal Rights, Reproductive Rights, access to all public schools for all children, NO Jim Crowe, And I could go on. My heart weeps with every day....And, btw, I work in Tanzania where all USAID was put on hold including PEPFAR for several days and now is day to day. No one knows what to do. Give life saving drugs, don't give life saving drugs. It is like "The Choice".

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