The most evident problem with the economic recovery continues to be the retail price hikes. They continue in spite of inflation numbers. The vast number of voters who see inflation stabilizing think this will result in lower prices; we know it will not in a meaningful way anytime soon. Meanwhile investors are told big returns will continue due to price increase. (Pepsico, Coke, General Mills etc.)
The most evident problem with the economic recovery continues to be the retail price hikes. They continue in spite of inflation numbers. The vast number of voters who see inflation stabilizing think this will result in lower prices; we know it will not in a meaningful way anytime soon. Meanwhile investors are told big returns will continue due to price increase. (Pepsico, Coke, General Mills etc.)
The most evident problem with the economic recovery continues to be the retail price hikes. They continue in spite of inflation numbers. The vast number of voters who see inflation stabilizing think this will result in lower prices; we know it will not in a meaningful way anytime soon. Meanwhile investors are told big returns will continue due to price increase. (Pepsico, Coke, General Mills etc.)