Why did I have to reach my 70s before ever hearing about the Wilmington Coup or Tulsa or any myriad atrocities committed in my country? Why did a young mother write to me about her 5 year old boy coming home in tears because he was told he couldn't be a goalie because he was white ( an untruth I am sure --it was her interpretation) so he…
Why did I have to reach my 70s before ever hearing about the Wilmington Coup or Tulsa or any myriad atrocities committed in my country? Why did a young mother write to me about her 5 year old boy coming home in tears because he was told he couldn't be a goalie because he was white ( an untruth I am sure --it was her interpretation) so he will feel bad forever? Why was I told by my best friend growing up that the Yankees had marched into her city during The WAR and she hated them every since --a hundred years later. It is high time we stopped with the elevating of white people over Black and indigenous people and anyone else who has darker pigment and accept each person as a child of God , created in God's image.
Why did I have to reach my 70s before ever hearing about the Wilmington Coup or Tulsa or any myriad atrocities committed in my country? Why did a young mother write to me about her 5 year old boy coming home in tears because he was told he couldn't be a goalie because he was white ( an untruth I am sure --it was her interpretation) so he will feel bad forever? Why was I told by my best friend growing up that the Yankees had marched into her city during The WAR and she hated them every since --a hundred years later. It is high time we stopped with the elevating of white people over Black and indigenous people and anyone else who has darker pigment and accept each person as a child of God , created in God's image.