Well said. I wish Tillis would answer your questions but he won’t. I emailed him yesterday telling him I know he fears Trump and being “primaried” by him & his money. I asked him similar questions. I know I’ll get only a canned response authored by a junior staffer but we must keep writing and emailing him. Keep calling him out!

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Fantastic! Finally, the true voice of Thomas Mills.

Hopefully, this new medium will lead to a broader audience. Spread the word, Thomas. Very good luck to you!

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Excellent points! I'm sharing to my other social media.

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Completely agree.

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Thanks for starting a podcast, Thomas. It is great to hear your spoken voice and to get to know you beyond your excellent political analysis. Thom Tillis does indeed know what is right; he also knows what is wrong and does it anyway. Tillis is even more infuriating that Susan Collins who does not seem to know anything about anything. I will give Tillis credit sticking his neck out on Putin and Ukraine. He has been more forthright on this than almost every other Republican senator besides Roger Wicker. It will be very hard for Tillis to back away from what he has said, although given his past behavior, he will probably try to. Perhaps Tillis and Wicker can get Lindsey Graham to stand up to Trump on Ukraine and NATO. I wonder if they are in communication with Marco Rubio (aka, Little Marco). Sarah Longwell said on The Bulwark, that Rubio looks like a man who has lost his soul. Rubio knows what is right and it ain't being Trump's bagman. Sigh.

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As mentioned before, the movie "Red Oct" highlights the pragmatic and often morally ambiguous nature of politics. The secretary of state says, "I'm a politician, which means I'm a cheat and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing their lollipops." This reflects that political decisions are sometimes driven by personal career interests rather than the country's best interest. Tom Tillis exemplifies this by doing whatever it takes to stay employed, even if it means compromising his principles. North Carolina, remember there are more capable individuals who can do his job better.

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Demand Tillis and Budd hold town halls.

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Tillis is a spineless rubber stamper.

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Bravo Thomas!!!

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Thank you, Thomas, for your contribution in helping preserve/fight for democracy, truth, and courage.

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Brilliant! Tillis talks big, but he is basically spineless.

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Excited about this podcast.

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Glad to see you on the interwebs. A few techical comments, use a external cameral or deviece that you can point dricecly at your face, and don't lean forward.

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Perhaps I’m naive, but I’m so disappointed in Tillis, who I used to consider reasonable and mildly assertive.

Suporting RFK and saying nothing about these cuts is the last straw. North Carolina is standout economic success in the South because of our scientific expertise. Thom has vanished when his constituents needed him most. 🧬

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Speaks with forked tongue like most politicians.

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Yay on this inaugural podcast dispatch. Quite by chance I happened onto tillis’s speechifying performance this week. I do not like it when someone ratchets up his/her NC dialect. tillis sounds so affected. tillis cannot pull off his try-to-be good ole boy act. So that’s one point. But damn I will say this out straight, when Mills speaks his most authentic lower Piedmont NC dialect, there is nothing but the real. And we are fortunate for Mills’ perseverance and uncanny tenacity to contextualize these times with sustained analyses. Because there’s a lot of writing and podcasting going on that do/does not get to the marrow or come across indicating the creator is up to the task of meaningfulness. Not so with PoliticsNC.

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