Thomas, thanks for the precient analysis. The Governor is off to a strong start. Damn NC Republican legislators!

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Dems need to shove the irresponsibility of the NC GOP down their throats by shouting about it from the mountaintops of Western NC: Facebook, Tic-Toc, X and letters to the editor! Don't wait for the next election, start poison their well of voter support today.

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Thomas, it’s hard to find $1 billion when your mentality is to cut taxes.

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To my fellow western North Carolinians who suffered great losses in Helene, I urge you to vote Democratic in the next election. Neither the felon president nor the maga crowd in the state legislature or our NC senators are interested in helping. A Christmas tree grower at the Farmer’s Market in Raleigh told me, ‘when the newly elected president comes into power in January, we will get ALL the help we need.’ His hopes are dashed With FEMA being frozen by the new authoritarian regime.

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Well, the GOP legislators cannot possibly green light $1 billion for WNC now, lest Gov. Stein get the credit for it. Besides, why should these legislators do such a thing for their own fellow Tar Heels because they are in dire need of their help? They prefer to play their own games of legislative illusion. Better to seem rather than to be, as it were.

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Follows a pattern. I am interested in hearing what the new Federal Government is doing for WNC. Does anyone know how to follow up with the people Trump met with up there when he visited and if the lawmakers up there have heard from their constituents about help that they have now received. Thomas, can you help us follow up about this?

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How did this appear in the local media? Is this message being propagated or is it being suppressed?

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Thank you. That's a well-written piece. This stands out: 'Bell said it likely won't be the legislature's last Helene recovery bill, and the goal is to avoid spending state dollars on needs that can be handled through federal funds.'

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Thank you!

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Not surprised! That 🍊💩 came to our disaster area and then immediately froze FEMA 😡😡😡 Now wants to short change our citizens! Go Josh Stein for keeping the priority straight. We really appreciate you trying in this toxic. Super majority environment.

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